Besides the ensemble Zarjanka there are two amateur ensembles Zarnitsa in Wageningen and Wjetsherinkji in Utrecht. “Zarnitsa (at dawn) rehearses weekly on Friday night in Buurthuis Oudwijk, Oudwijkerdwarsstraat 148 in Utrecht. “Wjetsherinkji ‘(cozy evenings) rehearses weekly on Wednesday evenings in the Pomhorst, Pomona 562 in Wageningen.
With the exception of non-traditional genres that developed in the 18th-20th centuryWestern choral music, Russian songs and polyphonic improvisation by the farmers. Toimprovise, one can hear each other well. And that can only happen in small groups (3-8persons). Therefore the word “choir” for the real Russian folk music is not the right. In Russia, one uses the term: ensemble, so we have also our section “ensemble” called. In the Netherlands fits more the word company.